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November 2023
Updated over a week ago

Release date - December 5th, 2023

We are excited to introduce a new Watch preview, now available in the Watch menu, Watch configuration screen, and Channel configuration screen.
The preview will be generated using unsaved changes, so you can tweak as many settings as you like before going live. We will conveniently provide this preview for a wide range of desktop and mobile resolutions.

A New AnyClip Speech to Text AI Model Has Arrived!

Boasting over 50 languages and supporting a wide variety of text-related AnyClip features, this new model is ready to transcribe your videos, no matter how complicated.
Extensive manual verification guarantees that the accuracy of this model far exceeds anything previously offered on our platform. Speak to your customer success manager to try it out.

We created an additional configuration setting that will allow you to enable a Language filter in your Watch search results, or limit search results to one language only.
This way, if your Watches have videos in multiple languages, your users will now be able to filter their search results to only show videos in the languages they select.

You can now add People, Brands, IAB categories and Brand Safety tags to videos you upload via CSV. We have updated our sample file to include the new columns system_tags_people, system_tags_brands, system_tags_IAB, system_tags_brand_safety.
Note that for IAB Categories we support both string names (“Auto Body Styles”) and category identifiers (“1.1.2”). If values provided in the CSV file do not exist in corresponding categories, we will not add these values as tags.

You can now define these important parameters for your Watches separately. So, instead of one “Autoplay video” setting you will now see two toggles, “Autoplay video (Desktop)” and “Autoplay video (Mobile)”. “Start with sound” has also been divided this way. For existing Watches we have set all of these toggles to the previous state: so, if you had a setting in “on” state, it will now be “on” for both Mobile and Desktop toggles.

New Users Created Via API Are Now Subject to Total Licenses Number Limit

If you try to create new users via API while your user licenses limit is reached, you will receive an error message. Your Customer Success manager will be notified automatically to better help you in this situation.

Video Engagement Score Calculation

The logic behind engagement score calculation in the Video Performance dashboard has been updated to give more relevant information. We are taking into account every engaging action, and calculating “engagement per second viewed” as a base for our scoring.

Dashboards Renaming

We renamed some of the dashboards for clarity. “Usage” is now “Account Usage”, “Library” became “Videos”, and “Performance” along with “Performance Report” was changed to “Ad Performance” and “Ad Performance Report” accordingly.


MRSS upload can now treat keywords separated by one colon sign as custom tags within the provided category, in category:tag format. Your Customer Success manager can enable this feature for you.

Curate Your Fallback Playlists

Any non-AI playlist can now function as a fallback playlist for your players. And when you make changes to such a playlist, they’re automatically applied to the fallback playlist too! Just let your Customer Success manager know which playlist to use for which player as a fallback.

Videos that have any kind of targeting set up and enabled, and hence might not be playable outside of targeting conditions, will now be marked by a target icon in your playlists, Watch channels, and Studio search results.

Easier AI Block Curation

When editing the AI block in channel Watch filters, you will now be able to clearly see which videos in search results come from the AI block, and which were returned by your search. The two kinds of videos are now separated by a visible line.

Video Insights Clarification

Insights provided in the video’s Insights section in Studio are always calculated based on the last 30 days. Now we explicitly say that in the Insights section.

Custom Injection Layout Fix

A custom injection in the video title area in the player page used to display some empty space where it shouldn’t have. Not anymore.

Custom Login Page Expiration Fix

The users who tried to log in via your custom login page, let their sessions expire, and reloaded, were sometimes redirected to a generic AnyClip login page instead of your custom one. It won’t happen again!

Date Picker Control Improvement

We've unified the design in our Custom Date Range Pickers, so if you spot the difference — know that it's for the better. Same as before, the last date in the range you pick is usually not included in the results.

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