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Watch Settings
Updated over a week ago


Watch is an embeddable video gallery for hosting videos and live content. Once basic Watch properties are set, Watch users (media publishers, businesses, and event organizers) can choose to customize it and embed it in their website and or as part of their brand. See Customizing and Embedding a Watch

The Manage Watch Settings page is divided into three tabs: Basic Details, Look & Feel and Search Look & Feel. The last two tabs appear for customers who opted to embed the Watch on their website. They can choose, for example, to present videos in a transparent background or change the color of the search bar.

Setting Basic Watch Details


The following section details the process of configuring Watch settings for a new Watch. The same options below apply to editing an existing Watch.

  1. Click the Add button next to the Search Watch field shown in the image above. This opens the Create New Watch window in the Basic Details tab.​

  2. Complete the information for the new Watch properties:

    • Hub (required) content unit for a set of users. The videos available for hub users are organized in Watches.

    • Watch Name (required) - The name of the Watch

    • Description - Short description of the Watch

    • Active - The watch state that allows administrators to stop rendering watches if they are not needed anymore.

    • Environment - The spot where the watch will be rendered. Internal option allows rendering the watch inside the AnyClip Platform, External option allows rendering the watch outside the AnyClip Platform (i.e. on a publisher's site). Internal and External option allows watch to be rendered on both places.

    • Sources (required) - the video sources ( Zoom, Vimeo, MRSS) from which videos in a Watch originate.

    • Domains - the host domain in which your embedded Watch 'lives'.

      The section Features (see image above) configures which of them can be used for the watch.

    • Search Videos - whether the video Search Bar is displayed.

    • Deep Search - whether the Deep Search feature in videos is enabled (default) or disabled.

    • Generative AI Search - whether Gen AI Search is enabled or disabled.

    • Allow Comments - whether commenting by watch users on videos is allowed on the watch. It's available for Internal watches only.

    • Autoplay video (Mobile) (* Note) - whether the video will start playing automatically when the user enters the Player page on mobile devices.

    • Autoplay video (Desktop) (* Note) - whether the video will start playing automatically when the user enters the Player page on desktop computers.

    • Autoplay playlist - whether the next video on the playlist starts automatically when the video playback completes.

    • Start with Sound (Mobile) (* Note) - whether the sound is on when the user enters the video page on mobile devices.

    • Start with Sound (Desktop) (* Note) - whether the sound is on when the user enters the video page on desktop computers.

    • Optimize SEO - whether the Web page where the Watch is embedded should be indexed by Google for Search Engine Optimization purposes. It's available for External watches only.

    • Allow video download - whether to allow viewers to download account-owned videos unless it’s a private video.

    • Sharing - whether to allow viewers to share the video among AnyClip Platform users for Internal watches and to Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) for External watches.

    • Transcript - whether to display the video transcript tab.

    • Slides - whether to display the video slides tab.

    • Chapters - whether to display the video chapters tab.

  3. When done, click Save to save the Watch basic settings. Once finished you may exit the Watch Settings page or continue setting up the Watch by using the various customization settings intended for those who wish to embed the Watch in their website. To do this see the section linked in the Overview above.


Popular browsers often don't allow videos to start playing with sound.

In such cases, the video playback doesn't start regardless of the settings Autoplay Video and Start with Sound are both set to true.


Look & Feel and Search Look & Feel tabs are only relevant for Watches that are embedded in a website (Environment attribute is "External" or "Internal and External").

You can proceed with customizing and embedding such watches as described in Customizing and Embedding a Watch.

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