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Custom Reports
Updated over a week ago


The “Custom Reports” feature provides a uniquely user-friendly way to create reports on your data and tailor them to your needs. Gain a deeper understanding of your business KPIs with complete flexibility in choosing the metrics, dimensions, and filters that matter most. Our system ensures accurate and up-to-date information, allowing you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

It is now available for Account Admin users in the “Analytics” menu.

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Important notes

While we continuously work on improving our customers’ access to their data, we also have to impose some reasonable restrictions to safeguard potentially sensitive information.

So please note that for now your Custom Reports have the following limitations:

  1. Custom Reports cover the data related to your video monetization and hence are only available for accounts where monetization is activated. We're working to expand the capabilities into your video performance metrics too.

  2. Users are able to request and receive the data collected only within the Hubs that they can access. Users who can access all Hubs will see the data from all Hubs. How to change Hubs available to user.

  3. Users can only manage (edit, schedule, and delete) their own reports. Users within the same account can copy each others’ reports and manage the resulting copies. Such copies will have the same report configuration, but no delivery schedule. Copied reports will provide only the data from Hubs available to the user who created this copy. Please check all Hubs-related filters and repopulate them again if necessarily when copying a report.

  4. All information in Custom Reports is provided in the time zone of the user who has created this report. This time zone is set in the User Settings.

  5. The average delay in data availability is 2 hours. Please let your Customer Success manager know if you're experiencing significantly longer delays.

Creating a report

To create a report, follow the “Custom Reports” menu item in the Analytics menu, and click on “+Report” button in the top right corner of the screen.

No “Custom Reports” option in the Analytics menu?

  • Check whether you are logged in as an Account Admin user;

  • Check with your Customer Success manager whether this feature is available for your account.

Report composition and editing

By default, a new report is created for a period of “This Month” and has no other settings like metrics, dimensions, or filters.

Please add at least 1 metric to be able to save, download, or schedule the report.

To rename your report, click on the "Edit" icon next to its name.


You will find the complete list of metrics available for reporting in the top left corner of the report setup screen.

The metrics are grouped for convenience. These groups can be collapsed and expanded individually by clicking on the collapse/expand arrow next to the group name, or using the “Expand/Collapse All” item.

Please find the up-to-date list of available metrics and the explanation behind each of them under this expansion.

  • Page Loads: The number of times the player was loaded on a page.

  • Player Loads: The number of times the player was loaded on an ad blocker free page.

  • Player Ad Impressions: The number of times the player was loaded on a page and served at least one ad impression.

  • Viewable Player Loads: The number of times the player was loaded on an ad blocker free page and was in view.

  • Viewable Player Ad Impressions: The number of times the player was loaded on a page and served at least one ad impression which was in view.

  • Page RPM: The gross revenue generated per page load.

  • Player Fill Rate: Ratio of player ad impressions to player loads.

  • Player Viewability: Ratio of viewable player loads to all player loads.

  • Ad Opportunities: Number of times it was possible to have served an impression, including when no requests were sent or fulfilled.

  • Ad Requests: The number of requests sent to the demand sources.

  • Ad Impressions: The number of video ads served.

  • Ad Clicks: The number of clicks on video ads.

  • Ad RPM: Gross revenue generated per ad served.

  • Ad Fill Rate: Ratio of ad requests to ad impressions.

  • Ad Viewability: Ratio of viewable ad impressions to all ad impressions.

  • Gross Revenue: Total gross revenue generated by the publisher's demand and AnyClip's demand.

  • Revenue Share Fee: AnyClip's revenue share.

  • Platform Fee: AnyClip's platform fees.

  • Publisher Revenue: The publisher's net revenue after deducting Revenue Share Fees and Platform Fees.

  • Clip Impression: The number of clip plays.

  • Clip Seek: The user clicked on the clip progress bar.

  • Fullscreen: The user clicked on the full screen button.

  • Mute: Every time there is a mute event (automated event as well).

  • Pause: The number of times the user paused a video.

  • Play: The number of times the user started a video (excluding autoplay).

  • 25% ad watched: 25% of an Ad was viewed.

  • 50% ad watched: 50% of an Ad was viewed.

  • 75% ad watched: 75% of an Ad was viewed.

  • 100% ad watched: The Ad was viewed completely.

  • 25% clip watched: 25% of a clip was viewed.

  • 50% clip watched: 50% of a clip was viewed.

  • 75% clip watched: 75% of a clip was viewed.

  • 100% clip watched: The Clip was viewed completely.

Not able to select some of the metrics?

Check whether “Ad Format” or “Demand Source” dimensions or filters are applied to your report. Some of the metrics can not be split or filtered by those criteria. De-select “Ad Format” or “Demand Source” dimensions and/or filters to enable all metrics.


Using dimensions is optional. By default, a new report will not have any dimensions applied, and the report file will provide you with sums of the values for the selected metrics over the selected period.

To split those metrics values by some criteria, apply relevant dimensions to your report.

To apply a dimension, select it in the Dimensions section in the bottom left part of your screen.

Every dimension will split your data by its criteria, adding rows to your report.

You can select multiple dimensions and rearrange their positions using drag and drop in the Dimensions section.

The highest selected dimension will be the first split criteria, and the lowest will be the last.

While you can apply any number of dimensions to your report, please note that using dimensions with lots of criteria like Country or Hour combined with multiple other dimensions, especially over longer reporting periods, will result in report file sizes that will be rejected by most email clients and hence will not be delivered using the “Schedule” option.

If you need your data split under numerous criteria and delivered by email, consider applying additional filters to only include relevant items, and/or setting up multiple reports for shorter periods by copying the report and adjusting the period.

Please find the up-to-date list of available dimensions and the explanation behind each of them under this expansion.

  • Month: Group data by month.

  • Day: Group data by day.

  • Hour of Day: Group data by hour (00, 02, ..., 23).

  • Hour: Group data by hour in 24-hour format with date: MMM DD YYYY HH:00.

  • Demand Source (limited availability): Group data by the demand source that served the ad.

  • Ad Format (limited availability): Group data by ad format (Video or Display).

  • Hub: Group data by Hub.

  • Player Name: Group data by the player name.

  • Player ID: Group data by the unique player identifier.

  • Player Type: Group data by the player type (Intelligent, Story, Watch, Live).

  • Country: Group data by the viewer's country (ISO code).

  • Device: Group data by the type of device the player was loaded on (Desktop, Mobile, Other).

  • Player Domain: Group data by the domain defined in the player setup.

  • Embed Code Variant: Group data by the values passed in the embed code parameter "data-variant".

When you add a dimension, or change dimensions order using drag and drop, the report preview in the right part of the screen will update and display the current report structure.

Note that for period dimensions like Month or Hour the preview will display the datetime format that you will receive in your CSV report file.

Not able to select some of the dimensions?

- “Hour” and “Hour of Day” dimensions are mutually exclusive. “Hour” dimension will provide you with metrics value for every hour in the reporting period. It is convenient when you want to look at your data with the highest possible granularity. “Hour of Day” will provide the sums of metrics values for hours 00 to 23 for all days in the reporting period. It is best used to establish metrics dynamics depending on the time of day over longer periods of time.

- “Ad Format” and “Demand Source” dimensions are not available for the metrics that cannot be split by those criteria. Check whether you have any metrics from Player Data, Player Events, or Clip Completion groups selected, and remove them to use “Ad Format” or “Demand Source” dimensions for the rest of the metrics.


By default, the data in the reports will be provided for all the Hubs that the user who has created the report has access to, and over the reporting period.

Important: to ensure the protection of sensitive data, the filters for items that are related to Hubs will only have values from Hubs available to the user who creates the report. Different users may see different values in these filters; and when the user copies a report created by another user, these filters will be cleared in the copied report while the initial report will not be affected.

Filters where values depend on Hubs available to the user who created the report:

  • Hub

  • Player Name

  • Player ID

  • Player Type

  • Player Domain

Please repopulate the values in these filters after copying someone else’s report, if necessary.

To apply filters, use the “Filters” button above the report preview. It will open the Filters popup for this report.

All filters can be applied with “Include” or “Exclude” logic. “Include” will only provide the data relevant to these filter values, and “Exclude” will remove the data relevant to the filter values from the report.

All filters are multiple choice. A filter can not be set to include some values and exclude others.

You will see all the filters applied to the report just above the report preview. You can remove the filter altogether by clicking (x) on it, or open Filters popup for further curation.

Please find the up-to-date list of available filters and the explanation behind each of them under this expansion.

  • Demand Source: All demand sources

  • Ad Format: Filter by ad format: Display or Video.

  • Hub: select from the list of Hubs available to you;

  • Player Name: select from the list of Players available in your Hubs.

  • Player ID: Filter by a specific player ID from your Hubs.

  • Player Domain: Choose a specific domain (depends on your Hubs).

  • Player Type: Select from a full list of supported player types.

  • Country: Filter by country.

  • Device: Filter by device type: Desktop, Mobile, or Other.

Not able to use some of the filters?

“Ad Format” and “Demand Source” filters are not available for the metrics that can not be filtered in this way. Check if you have any metrics from Player Data, Player Events, or Clip Completion groups selected and deselect if necessarily.

Some of the filtering criteria depend on your access to Hubs (see above). For example, you will not be able to filter by the Hub you do not have access to, or by the Player that only belongs to Hubs that you do not have access to.


Some of the metrics available for reporting can not be split by some dimensions or filtered by some criteria.

Selecting such metrics will block the unavailable dimensions and filters, and vice versa.

The mutually exclusive metrics and dimensions/filters are:

Metrics: Player Data group (Page loads, Player Loads, Player Ad Impressions, Viewable Player Loads, Viewable Player Ad Impressions, Page RPM, Player Fill Rate, Player Viewability), Player Events group (Clip Impression, Clip Seek, Fullscreen, Mute, Pause, Play), Clip Completion group (25% clip watched, 50% clip watched, 75% clip watched, 100% clip watched)

Dimensions and filters: Ad Format, Demand Source.

Additionally, “Hour” and “Hour of Day'' dimensions are mutually exclusive. Please see the “Dimensions” section for additional information.


By default, all new reports are created for a period of “This Month”.

You can change this period to one of the numerous other options using the “Period” dropdown above the preview section.

The data in all reports is provided for the period that is calculated in the time zone of the user who created the report. So identical reports can have different data if the users who created them have different time zones configured in their User Settings.


In the right part of the Report Setup screen you will find the preview for your report structure.

This preview will not display any values for metrics or dimensions. It is a visualization of your future report structure that you can use to make sure that the resulting file will be convenient and informative for your purposes.

Any changes you make to the report structure will be instantly applied to the preview.

It is especially convenient for setting up the order of dimensions.

Downloading a report

You can download the reports you have created either from the report setup screen or directly from the report management table on the “Custom Reports” page.

Save the report at least once after you have created it to be able to download.

After the report has been saved once, downloading it from the Report Setup screen does not require saving, and the report will be downloaded in its current state, including unsaved changes. This way you can estimate whether the changes you’ve made are convenient before saving the report.

Downloading a report can take up to 20 seconds. Some of the more complex reports can take longer to compile. In this case, we will send it over to your email and display a notification.

Reports over 10MB will be archived into ZIP files.

The data in your reports changes every hour. For example, if you download a report for an ongoing period like “Today” or “This Week” at 08:55 and then at 09:05, you may see different numbers in the resulting files.

Scheduling a report

You can schedule reports that you create to be delivered by email at the selected time using the “Schedule” button in the top right part of the report setup screen.


Select how often you would like to receive the report, and at what time; then add the email addresses for all desired recipients.

By default, the email address of the user who created the report will be added to the recipients list. You can remove it manually if you want; but having at least 1 recipient is mandatory for scheduling the report.

Each report can only have one schedule.

Note that both the reporting period and reporting schedule are defined by the time zone of the user who creates the report and the schedule.

Important: you can schedule the report to be delivered to any email address, including those that are not associated with AnyClip users. Please use caution when scheduling reports to be delivered to anyone but yourself.

If you copy a scheduled report, the copy will not have any schedule. Please reschedule the copy manually if necessary.

My scheduled report was not delivered

Check the “Last delivery date” for this report on your Custom Reports page.

If this is the date you have expected, check Spam folders and/or search email inboxes of all recipients for “AnyClip Report” keywords.

If the report’s last delivery date is not what you’d expect, it was likely rejected by recipients’ email clients due to message size. We are working on other secure ways to provide you with large report files, but in the meantime try reducing the report size by adding relevant filters or changing the period to a shorter one as described in the “Dimensions” section above.

Someone added me to the recipients of the report that I do not want to receive

The emails containing scheduled reports will have an email address of the report owner. Recipients can reach out to the owner and ask them to make all the necessary changes.

The owner of the scheduled report is no longer with the company

Before sending out a scheduled report, we check whether the owner has been deactivated in the AnyClip platform. The reports scheduled by deactivated users are not sent out. If you still want to receive this report, simply copy it in your Custom Reports page and add a new schedule.

Managing your reports

Your “Custom Reports” page will have a list of all custom reports created by users within your organization.

You have full access to the reports that you have created (are owner of), and limited access to the reports created by other users.

Hover on any report to see actions available for it.

If you have created a report and are its owner, you can copy, download, or delete it.

If you have not created a report, you can only copy it.

Whether “Copy” action was performed by the owner or not, the copies will not contain Hub-related filters and schedules. Those can be added manually if necessary.

Click on the report to open the report setup screen.

Owners will be able to edit their reports from here.

Non-owners will not be able to edit someone else’s report, and will only see the preview and the option to copy this report.

How to delete or modify the report created by a user who is no longer with the company

We will stop sending scheduled reports that were created by a user who has been since deactivated on AnyClip platform. Those reports will still be available on the Custom Reports page for you to copy, then modify and reschedule. If you still need to delete such report, please ask your Customer Success manager to do so.

Access and security

Custom Reports are only available for Account Admin users.

Account Admin users can set up and manage their reports, and can schedule their reports to be delivered to any email addresses, including those outside their organization.

While all emails from AnyClip containing your Custom Report files have a disclaimer regarding the misuse of sensitive data, AnyClip can not be responsible for the distribution of the report files that was performed by the recipients. Please exercise caution when scheduling delivery and handling the report files.

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