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Live Event Schedule
Updated over a week ago

In the Event Schedule tab, enter the following information.

  • From the Timezone dropdown, select the GMT timezone for the live event.

  • In the Schedule field, enter a title for the scheduled time, click the Start button to display a date/time selector, and specify when the event begins. Enter a duration for the event and specify hours/minutes, and then click the End button to display a date/time selector and specify when the event ends.

  • Click the check mark at the end of the live event schedule details.

  • To add another session for the same Live Event, click +Add Session and specify the information above.

  • Set Recurring Event: If the live event is a Recurring Event create the event schedule as described above and select the event recurrence timeframe in the Repeat Every dropbox shown in the screenshot above (daily, weekly, or monthly). Finally, enter an End Date upon which the live event recurrences will end.

When done, click the Next button to fill in data on the Event Delivery tab.


Recurring live events are subject to the following limitations:

  • The duration of recurring live events cannot be longer than 24 hours.

  • Two live events can not occur simultaneously

Infrastructure Deployment for Live Event Streaming

The live events feature involves deploying infrastructure for each event, including necessary components for seamless streaming. The following guidelines outline the deployment and lifecycle management of this infrastructure if a user chooses Use AnyClip Endpoint option as Delivery on the Event Delivery page of the live event configuration:

  1. Initialization:

    • Infrastructure is created when a user presses Create Endpoint button on the Event Delivery page.

  2. Session Management:

    • For events with multiple sessions, the infrastructure goes from IDLE to RUNNING state before the first session begins and goes from RUNNING to IDLE state after the last session concludes.

  3. Inter-session Handling:

    • If there are breaks between sessions, the infrastructure remains active if the interval is less than two hours.

    • The player can show the live stream without interruptions during short breaks between sessions.

  4. Shutdown:

    • The infrastructure goes to the IDLE state right if the interval between sessions is two hours or more, or an hour after the last event session ends.

    • In a month after the last event session ends, the infrastructure is destroyed.

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