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Live Event Delivery
Updated over a week ago

In the Event Delivery tab you'll create the live event endpoint. You can either use your own endpoint (in which case you'll need to also enter the HLS Output URL) or set up an AnyClip one.

  1. Delivery: Select a delivery point for the event - the AnyClip endpoint or your own endpoint.

  2. For the Anyclip Endpoint, enter the following:

    1. From the Delivery dropdown, select Use AnyClip Endpoint.

    2. From the Region dropdown, select a region for the event.

    3. If you're using an AnyClip Endpoint, you can also enable closed captions for your live event. From the Live CC dropdown, select Enabled (the feature is disabled by default).

    4. If you enable closed captions, an additional Language field will appear, where you'll need to select the language for the closed captions (the Language field enables you to search for language and provides autocomplete when you start entering a language). See section "Closed Captions for Live Events" below for details.

    5. You’re now ready to create a new AnyClip endpoint for your live event. This process can take up to 10 minutes. Once you click Create Endpoint, your new live event is ready to be saved. You can either: * Wait until the endpoint is ready (you’ll get an email notification). * Continue to the Event Pre/Post Visuals tab.

      You’ll be able to see a preview of the new live event once the endpoint is saved.

      Once the endpoint is ready, you’ll be able to copy and share the data from the fields below using the copy function.

    6. For the RTMP Input URLs and Stream Keys:

      1. Add the primary RTMP stream URL and key that are autogenerated by AWS.

      2. Add the secondary (optional) RTMP stream URL and key that are autogenerated by AWS.

  3. For your 'Own Endpoint', select Use My Endpoint, and from the HLS Output URL, copy the HLM Output URL (required).

  4. When done, click the Next button to fill in data on the Event Pre/Post tab.


  • Once the AnyClip endpoint is created, you’ll receive an email with the endpoint’s destination encoder, which you’ll be able to share.

    You'll also have the option of of testing the end-to-end flow of the live event using the Test button. This will turn on the endpoint for a testing period of 1 hour.

  • The secondary RTMP stream provides an automatic failover between the primary and secondary URLs.

  • After you set the stream - either in your own HLS stream or after creating an endpoint - the Player preview will appear in the event window.

    The preview will be shown also when editing the event or when you open the Live event (click on the line). Every update you make to the event's details will be simulated in the preview.

Closed Captions for Live Events

AnyClip Live events can be configured to show closed captions for live events in real-time.

The list of available languages for the closed captions is based on the supported languages of Amazon Transcribe (all languages that support ‘streaming’). In the user interface of the Player, the languages are presented in their three or four letter codes based on the ISO 639 standard. the list of avail languages is based on supported languages in Amazon Transcribe...

In the Live Events configuration on the AnyClip platform, enabling Live CC and selecting the language for Live CC will create live closed captions based on the Amazon transcription service.

This will also enable the Live Player to get the closed captions on the live stream (note that the closed captions need to be enabled in the player setting).

After creating the event, you will not be able to change the closed captions language that was selected, nor will you be able to disable Live CC.

If Live CC is not enabled, the captions will not be created nor will the show CC gear option appear in the Live Player.


Setting closed captions for a live event will automatically create a delay in the transmission of the event until the captions are synced with the video. The maximum latency for the stream due to adding live closed captions is 15 seconds.

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