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Using Deep Search
Updated over a week ago

Search Options

Deep Search enables you to search for specific information within a video--people, brands, transcript, and text--and provides you with the ability to pinpoint and get to the exact location of those results within the video.

When searching for videos in the search bar, you can open the Player page by using one of two options:

  • Clicking the video thumbnail or title (the standard method)

  • Using the shortcut option to Deep Search by clicking a detected tag from the list

Search View

When Deep Search is enabled, searching for videos automatically displays the detected tags found for those videos.

The tags are sorted by type and name; the tag order is as follows: People, Brands, Transcript, Text.

The tag order within any type is by name (A-Z).


Clicking the video thumbnail or title will open the Player View with the standard playlist information displayed for the view.

Player View in Deep Seach Mode

To switch to Deep Search mode in the Player View, click the Deep Search button (highlighted below) in the top right corner (this button will only be available if Deep Search has been enabled on your platform).


Clicking the Deep Search button hides the video playlist and opens the Deep Search controls (this is essentially the Player View with a Deep Search section).


What does Deep Search include?

  • A. List of detected tags (see A in the image above): these tags can be used to filter out or filter back results based on the tags (by clicking the tag).

  • B. Tag timeline with the detected search results along with the timeline of the detected tags (see B above).

  • C. Player progress bar containing indicators for the relevant detected tags on top of the progress bar (see C above): the indicators appear according to the time they occur in the video.

You can now filter the list of video frames by selecting tabs (All, People, Brands, Transcript, Text) or manage your selection by enabling or disabling tags in the search tag list (A).

In addition, the Secondary Search text box (see D above) lets you refine the search in this video by searching for any search string input in this Video only.

Deep Search Shortcut - Tag Redirect

The second way to open the Player page from the Video Search results is by clicking a specific tag type below the video (type and name).


This option will open the Player Search page so that the tag you selected is automatically displayed in the tag timeline. In this case, only the clicked tag is selected.


You can always switch to view the rest of the results by selecting the other tags.

In addition, because the shortcut tag may only apply to a single search tag, any additional search tags may appear as disabled (greyed-out). To enable these tags, simply click them.

How to Use Deep Search

Player Progress Bar with Detected Icons

When Deep Search detects the information related to the tags you specified, the player progress bar displays the icons for the information detected according to the tag type.


This functionality enables you to locate a specific detected tag in the video, such as a quote from the person being interviewed or detected people or brands.

Selecting a specific result in the tag timeline displays that result (with a popup) in the player progress bar and highlights the information detected. Alternatively, you can select a point in the progress bar, which then points back to the relevant tag/result in the tag timeline.


Multiple Tags in the Same Player Progress Bar Location

Sometimes, video content may have more than one type of result in the exact same time; for example, if the transcript and the text appear in the exact same location in the progress bar. Deep Search will show both results int the tag timeline, but will only display the last tag located in that time in the progress bar.

You will also see that there are multiple results in the tag timeline. To switch to another tag detected in the same location, simply click the tag in the timeline and the popup in the progress bar will change to the other tag.


If there are multiple occurrences of sequential frames, e.g., if the person you are searching for appears in sequential frames, instead of displaying multiple occurrences, Deep Search will simply display a range - from / to - to indicate these sequential occurrences.

Hiding search tags

Deep Search results will always show all of the search tags you included in your original search. If you want to focus your search while in the Player View to a specific tag, clicking the "x" next to the tag (see A below) will remove the tag as well as its results in the timeline (B) and on the player progress bar (C).


Transcript-only mode

The most frequent use case for Deep Search is for companies looking to find information in video transcripts. To that end, Deep Search offers the option of using Deep Search in Transcript Mode using a specific configuration. See Deep Search configuration for details.

In this case, the detected tags will be Transcript only, and the tag timeline will show only the Transcript tab.

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