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Marketplace Supported Macros
Updated over a week ago

The following Macros are the supported for passing dynamic values for implemented demand tags and 3rd party pixels:




Cache buster


Publisher Id


Widget Id


Clip Id


Current Page URL






clients IP address ("" when IP was not found)


Client User Agent


Operating System






Consent Data String


Consent Data found (1/0)


A/B test variant name


Clip watched index


Viewability of the player 1/0


Device: 1 = desktop, 2 = mobile


geo country code


UTM parameters ("utm_source", "utm_medium", "utm_campaign", "utm_term", "utm_content") - taken from page url encoded and separated by "|" instead of "&"


Supply chain data


CCPA API response


session id


publisher tag id (from Inventory manager)

  • In case the macro should be encoded, please use the following: $[URI_ENCODE:macro]

    • For example: $[URI_ENCODE:url]

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