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Watch in WebView: Handling Click-to-Play Mode on iOS After Exiting Full Screen
Updated over a week ago

Due to the default WKWebView behavior, when the user exits Full Screen mode, they may see the player in Click-to-Play mode. There is a workaround to address this issue. This JavaScript snippet should be injected after loading the webpage:

// wkwebView setup
webView.navigationDelegate = self

// inside WKNavigationDelegate method
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
let js =
// for every player
anyclip.widgets.forEach(widget => {
// Add event listeners to observe changes in the video state
widget.player.on('play', () => checkVideoState(widget));
widget.player.on('pause', () => checkVideoState(widget));
widget.player.on('ended', () => checkVideoState(widget));

function checkVideoState(widget) {
if (widget.player.paused()) {
// Video is paused, Unsubscribe with delay
setTimeout(function() {
// While exiting fullscree WKWebView also pauses the player,
// but we need the onFullscreenStateChanged callback to play widget
// this is why we unsubscribe with delay
widget.unsubscribe(onFullscreenStateChanged, "playerFullscreen");
}, 500);
} else {
// Video is playing, Subscribe!
widget.subscribe(onFullscreenStateChanged, "playerFullscreen", widget);

function onFullscreenStateChanged(params) {
var player = this.player;

// if the player is exiting full screen, force the play state
if (!params.isFullScreen) {
var delayInMilliseconds = 450; // 0.45 second
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Playing player after fullscreen exit");;
}, delayInMilliseconds);
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
[weak self] in

This code ensures that when a player exits Full Screen mode, it will automatically resume playing, addressing the Click-to-Play mode issue on iOS.

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