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Form Details Setup
Updated over a week ago

This is an article about one of the steps in setting up a Form. See "Adding a Form" and "Form Trigger Setup" for other steps.

The Form Details tab offers various options to customize and create a user form according to your design and goal.

Form and Responses Management

First, set up the details that will help you manage the form and the responses you get. Your viewers will not see this information.

  1. Name (mandatory): Provide a unique name for the form, limited to 255 characters.

  2. Hub: If you have multiple Hubs in your organization, select the Hub where you want to embed the form.

  3. Schedule Report: Specify the email address and frequency for generating and sending a report on the form. Frequency options include daily, weekly, or monthly. Use the "Test Email" button to verify the response report system.

  4. Receive an email for each response: Check this box to receive an email notification whenever a viewer fills out the form. The email will include a summary of the form details. The full form response details will be included in the forms report you've set up according to the chosen frequency.


Use "Response Report" button to download responses for a specific date range

Form Content

Next section allows you to customize the content of your form.

This information will be displayed to your viewers.

Start by providing high-level details:

  1. Logo: Upload your company's logo image for the form.

  2. Title (mandatory): Enter a title for the form, limited to 40 characters. You can use a rich text editor to enhance the title's style, including font type, size, color, etc.

  3. Description: Optionally provide a description for the form. Use the rich text editor to enhance the description's visual appearance, including font type, size, color, etc.

Next section defines what kind of information, and in what way, is requested from users.

  1. Fields: Add desired fields to the form, specifying the field type and whether it is mandatory or not. Available field types include Text, Text Area, Email, Date, Dropdown, Radio Button, and Checkbox. Specify the field label and set its mandatory status using the slider.

  2. Submit Button: Specify the text for the submit button (mandatory).

  3. Privacy Policy: Add a mandatory link to the privacy policy in HTTPS format. You can customize the name of the Privacy Policy field if desired.

  4. Terms & Conditions: Enable the slider if you wish to include terms and conditions. Provide an HTTPS URL for the terms and conditions link.

  5. Skip Button: Enable/disable the skip button for viewers to skip filling out the form. Customize the button name (up to 12 characters). Note that disabling the skip button may impact viewing.

Form Styles

This section provides options for visual customization of your form.

  1. Background: The background color is set in the form editor.

  2. Form alignment: Choose the alignment (right, center, or left) for the form elements.

  3. Label Font: Use the rich text editor to enhance the form's label text, specifying font type, size, and color.

  4. Button Color: Specify the background color and text color of the Skip button.

  5. Banner image: Add a JPG or PNG format banner image to the form (maximum size: 500kb, recommended resolution: 1280px X 80px).


For player width less than 380px (fixed, or due to responsive size changes by viewers) forms will be displayed in center alignment regardless of alignment settings.

Form and Player Preview

Use "Form preview" and "Player preview" tabs to see how your design works.



You can modify the size of the form, but the ratio will remain the same regardless of the size.



To save the form, make sure to fill in required information on both "Form Details" and "Form Trigger" tabs.

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