Account Administrator View
Account Administrator can create and edit SSO profile(s) for the organization which will allow end-users quick access to the platform.
To set up Google as your IdP follow the below steps:
From the main navigation menu go to Account --> Single Sign-On
A table with already defined SSO Profiles is displayed. If no profiles have been displayed yet an empty table will be displayed.
To edit an existing SSO Profile, click on it.
To create a new SSO profile click Add and select your organization's IdP, in this case Google. The SSO Profile setup screen appears:
βIn the "Profile Name" text box input a unique profile name.
Turn on the "Allow users to use any domain when they use Single Sign-On" toggle if you'd like to allow users with any domain in their email address to be able to login to your AnyClip platform if authenticated by the IdP
Note that only one SSO profile per account can be set with this toggle to OnTurn on the "Only existing users can use Single Sign-On" toggle if you'd like only users already created in the AnyClip platform to be able to login after they are authenticated by the IdP.
If this toggle is set to Off then a new user will be automatically created in the AnyClip platform for each user logging in and authenticated by the IdP, even if it does not exist in the AnyClip platform.
The user will be created in the AnyClip platform using the first name, last name, and email as provided by the IdP.In the "Domains" text box add at least one domain which the SSO is allowed for. Multiple domains can be added using the "+Add Domains" button.
If the "Allow users to use any domain when they use Single Sign-On" toggle is On then the domains list will be disabled.If the "Only existing users can use Single Sign-On" toggle is set to Off then a hub assignemnt rules table is displayed to allow the Account Admin to either set default hubs to which new users signing in to the system using SSO will be assigned or create custom rules which will automatically determine the hub assignment of each user.
In order to create custom rules, click AddIn the screen above enter the rule Name and then rule Attributes. Attributes are key/value pairs. You may enter more than one attribute. A logical AND operator exists between any two sequential attributes. Lastly, select one or more Hubs you want to associate with the rule and click Save. Once the rule is created you will be navigated back to the main SSO Profile screen where you need to click Save again.
End-User View
The following presents end-users' view as they log into the system using SSO: