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March 2022
Updated over a week ago

What’s New March 2022



As part of Access Control, a video’s owner designates who has access to view the video: the entire company, a specific department or a limited group of people. Until now, this information has been referred to as which “Site” a video can be shown on. But users have found this confusing, so we’re changing the terminology. Where you used to find the label “Site” you’ll now see “Hub”. Same functionality, same ability to designate exactly which groups have access to a given video, same location–-just a new name!

You can use Hubs to organize videos by a department or team. For example, you might have an onboarding Hub that is available to everyone, a Sales Hub that is only available to the Sales team, and an Operations Hub that is only available to the Operations team. Videos can be shared with more than one Hub–if you have a recording of a Sales-Ops meeting, you only have to have it uploaded once, but can easily share it with both the Sales and Operations Hubs. Hubs make it easy to organize content so employees see everything that’s relevant to them…and nothing more.



It’s now easier than ever to organize your content, using Hubs, Watch and Channels:

What is a Hub? A Hub is like a shared workspace or forum for a particular group in your organization. For example, a global Hub allows you to share company-wide content. A department Hub, on the other hand, allows a specific department to share and collaborate within their own team. A management Hub might be exclusive to managers from multiple departments. With Hubs, easily build a flexible structure to meet each team’s communication needs.


What is a Watch? Within the Hub, organize videos by topics with Watch pages, like a folder. A Watch is a full-page video gallery. Here’s where your video library is organized by events, products, or areas of learning. For example, in your global onboarding hub, you might have one Watch dedicated specifically to new hire materials, and another that organizes general Learning and Development materials. Watches make it easy for employees to browse specific topics. Within the Watch page, you can further organize into horizontal rows called Channelslike a subfolder.


What is ‘My Watch’? This is your own, private viewing gallery of videos that were shared with you, from any Hub or Watch. All videos that were uploaded by you personally will also appear under My Watch. This makes it easy to find videos specific to you.

What is a Channel? Within each Watch, organize your videos into thematic ‘subtopics’, so that users can browse all existing videos in that category.



Ready to offer your employees a personalized video experience that makes internal video management and consumption easier than ever? Meet the new Watch video gallery experience for Intelligence Lockbox. No embeds, no set-up. Just log in and start collaborating in a secure, personalized environment.

Each employee has a personalized video gallery, or Watch page that includes:

  • Access to Global Hubs for company-wide content

  • Access to their own department’s Hub for collaborating with colleagues

  • A personalized My Watch of videos the employee has created or that have been shared with the employee directly

What's changed:

Old Intelligence Lockbox Experience

New Intelligence Lockbox Experience

Separate “Front-end” experience for users and “back-end” experience for admins

Single, sleek, unified role-based platform

Landing pages you have to build yourself with embedded Watches

Fully hosted within the AnyClip platform, so no coding necessary; easy to create and organize

Multiple pages for multiple departments

Everything is in one place with easy navigation. Simply give a user access to additional departmental hubs to extend permission to view other departments’ content.

What hasn’t changed:

Everything else. Create thematic channels, easily search inside videos, get recommendations, create interactive elements (such as Call-To-Action triggers and forms), and more. But now it’s all in one, easy-to-navigate place.



In addition to the new Watch experience for Intelligence Lockbox, we’ve also changed and simplified how to set up your Watch video gallery. Until now, when you wanted to create a new Watch video gallery, you needed AnyClip to create a player for you. Soon, you’ll be able to do it yourself. Simply go into the “Manage Watch” tab and select the “+” sign on the upper right hand corner to create a new watch.

New fields that have been added are:

  • Hub - Hub (our new name for what was previously ‘Site’) is like a shared space for a particular group in your organization. In this field, you will designate where your new Watch gallery will live.

  • Source - A source indicates where the videos for this Watch will come from. For example, recordings pulled from Zoom may be in the “Company Zoom” source, while videos uploaded manually by employees are in the “Internal Lockbox Source.” Choose the source you want to feed into this Watch. This will narrow down the available videos to pull into your Watch page, making it easier to choose the content you intended. To further narrow down the amount of discoverable videos from your search, you can connect your source to a specific Hub, for example. If you choose your “Internal Lockbox Source” and connect to the “Sales Team Hub”, this will then only pull videos from videos that were uploaded by employees to the Sales Hub.

  • Domain - This is only relevant if you wish to embed and host the Watch on your company’s internal website.

  • Advanced - Additional configurations for the Watch experience and its player.



You’re watching the recording of the last team meeting, and at the 32-minute mark, you have a specific question. Need to send an email or set up a call and rehash the entire context to get your answer? Not anymore! Now you can use the In-Video Commenting feature to leave your comment at that specific moment within the video. Simply click the ‘comment’ tab to the right of any video, and you will notice a “+comment” button to add your personal comment at that exact timestamp.

You can even tag (by @name) a specific colleague, who will then be notified of your comments via email—that way they’ll know to reply to that exact comment from you. Now you can collaborate inside video the same way you would in a text document—asking questions, offering advice, pointing out best practices, and conducting entire conversations internally.



Now it is possible to edit your videos by using the new ‘Trim’ feature.


  • Select any video under the ‘Manage Watch’ tab and select ‘Edit’. Drag your cursor over the scissors to trim either the start, end, or both start and end of your video.

  • Whether you want to remove extraneous material at the beginning or end or lift a shorter clip from the middle of a video, editing is as easy as the click of a button.

  • Users can shorten a video to the desired duration, and share the trimmed video with others.

  • Trimmed videos will be saved as a new video and will not overwrite the original video.

Trim is available for the following accounts:

  • Account Admin - Can trim their own uploaded videos and all ‘Hub’ level videos

  • Editor - Can trim their own uploaded videos and all ‘Hub’ level videos

  • Contributor - Can trim their own uploaded videos


  • Please see here for a full overview of how to trim your videos.

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