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Player - AMP Embed
Updated over a week ago

This section provides instructions for using the AnyClip embed code for AMP page. This option is intended for Hub operation users and/or product managers.

  1. Add the following code to the head of the AMP page

    <script async="" custom-element="amp-ad" src=""></script>


    If this code is already included in the HEAD code, don’t add it. Adding a duplicate amp-ad will result in a failure to load the player.

  2. Add the following code to the body of the AMP page, in the exact location where you'd like to display the AnyClip video player.

  3. Replace the data-pubname (publisherName) and data-widgetname (widgetID) placeholders with the values you received in the embed code from AnyClip.

  4. You can change the player size by updating the values of the “width” and the “height”.

  5. You can set a delay on the loading of the AMP code by utilizing data-delay. Value should be inserted in seconds.

width="640" height="386"


Please refer to this section to learn more about direct embed implementation and see a list of optional embed code parameters that can enhance AnyClip functionality on your page

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