The minimum deployment version for the player is iOS SDK v.15+.
Download The Build
Ask your Customer Success Manager for a link to download the SDK.
Download the SDK file, which includes three xcframeworks: anyclip-sdk-ios.xcframework, ZFPlayer.xcframework, and GoogleInteractiveMediaAds.xcframework.
Manually integrate these files into your project.
Ensure that the 'Embed and Sign' option is set for each framework.
Importing the AnyClip player:
import AnyClipPlayer
Initializing the player:
Use the publisherId and widgetId provided to you by your AnyClip Customer Success Manager.
let playerView = AnyClipPlayer(publisherId: publisherlD, widgetID: widgetID, viewController: hostingViewController)
Embedding the ACPlayerView in a container view:
playerView.embed(in: playerContainer)
Setting the playlist ID, playlist URL or GUID:
playerView.playlistID = videoID //for playback of a single video (use the video distribution id) //or playerView.playlistID = playlistID //for playback of an entire playlist//or //or playerView.playlistURL = playlistURL //for playback of an automatically generated playlist which is based on the content of the webpage in the “playlistUrl”.
playerView.videoGUIDs = videoGUIDs // Receives array of GUID strings
Only one of the above parameters (playerView.playlistID / playerView.videoGUIDs) can be supported at once.
Reusing the existing player, but loading a different configuration:
playerView.reloadConfiguration(for: publisherlD, widgetID:widgetID)
Adding play and pause functions
To add play and pause functions, use the following: anyClipPlayer.pause()
Adding Fullscreen Support
Set the orientationWillChangeHandler:
playerView.orientationWillChangeHandler = { [weak self] player, isFullScreen in if let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate { appDelegate.isFullScreen = isFullScreen } self?.setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate() }
Add this behavior to your AppDelegate.
}class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var isFullScreen:Bool = false func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask { if isFullScreen { return .landscape } return .portrait class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var isFullScreen:Bool = false func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask { if isFullScreen { return .landscape } return .portrait }
Add this method to your HostingViewController:
overridevarshouldAutorotate:Bool{playerView?.shouldAutorotate??false}overridevarprefersStatusBarHidden:Bool{playerView?.isStatusBarHidden??false}overridevarsupportedInterfaceOrientations:UIInterfaceOrientationMask{ifplayerView?.isFullScreen??false{return.landscapeLeft}return.portrait}override var shouldAutorotate: Bool { playerView?.shouldAutorotate ?? false } override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool { playerView?.isStatusBarHidden ?? false } override var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask { if playerView?.isFullScreen ?? false { return .landscapeLeft } return .portrait }
To disable full-screen rotation if the view controller disappears, you can adapt the ViewController to life-cycle events.
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) playerView.hostingViewControllerDidDisappeared = false } override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidDisappear(animated) playerView.hostingViewControllerDidDisappeared = true } @objc private func appDidBecomeActive() { playerView.applicationDidMoveToBackground = false } @objc private func appDidMoveToBackground() { playerView.applicationDidMoveToBackground = true
Scrollview Event
If the AnyClip player is placed in ScrollView or NestedScrollView, you'll need register it to handle scroll events.
Error Handling
To handle player events use the errorHandler, which delegates errors to your
There are three types of errors:
public enum AnyClipPlayerError:
Error { case network(error:URLError)
case player(error:Error)
case imaAds(error:IMAAdError) }
Event observing
For observe Player Event implement this method
For observe Social Event implement this method
For observe Ad Event implement this method
For observe Playback Event implement this method
Code example for collecting events:
playerView.setPlaybackEventObserver() { [weak self] playbackEvent in
// send every playback event to customer backend
CustomerEventService.sendEventToCustomerApi(event: playbackEvent)
playerView.setAdEventObserver { [weak self] adEvent in
// send specific event to another endpoint
if adEvent?.type == "acp" {
CustomerEventService.adCompleteWatched(adtagUID: adEvent?.tagUID)
playerView.setSocialEventObserver { [weak self] socialEvent in
// made some interaction inside the customer app if a needed event occurs
if socialEvent?.type == "clp" {
// didn't implement 'setPlayerEventObserver' method. In that case all Player Evens will send to
You can customize the AnyClip player using AnyClipPlayerAppearance by setting the following attributes.
AnyClipPlayerAppearance Attributes | Description | Default |
playPauseBtnColor | Sets the play/pause button color | .white |
fullscreenBtnColor | Sets the fullscreen button color | .white |
muteBtnColor | Sets the mute/unmute button color | .white |
ccBtnColor | Sets enable/disable subtitles button color | .white |
nextBtnColor | Sets the next video button color | .white |
trackTitleColor | Sets the track title text color | .white |
activityColor | Sets the activity indicator color | .white |
brandLeftTextAppearance | Sets the brand left text view appearance | nil |
brandRightTextAppearance | Sets the brand left text view appearance | nil |
topToolViewColor | Set the background color for the topToolView | nil |
topToolViewImage | Sets the background image for the top ToolView | "A shadow image" |
bottomToolViewColor | Sets the background color for the bottomToolView | UICol) |
bottomToolViewImage | Sets the background image for the bottomToolView | nil |
sliderMaximumTrackTintColor | Sets the slider color | UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.8) |
sliderMinimumTrackTintColor | Sets the slider progress color | .white |
sliderBufferTrackTintColor | Sets the cache progress color | UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.4) |
sliderHeight | Sets the slider height | 3 |
sliderTumbImage | Sets the slider thumb image | "Slider Thumb image" |
sliderThumbSize | Sets the slider thumb size | CGSize(width: 120, height: 120) |
bottonSliderMaximumTrackTintColor | Sets the bottom slider color | .clear |
bottonSliderMinimumTrackTintColor | Sets the bottom slider progress color | .white |
bottonSliderBufferTrackTintColor | Sets the bottom slider cache color | UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.5) |
bottonSliderHeight | Sets the bottom slider height | 3 |
Customization usage
Apply the customization in the following way:
let appearance appearance.trackTitleColor appearance.playPauseBtnColor appearance.activityColor = AnyClipPlayerAppearance() = .red = .red = .red appearance.fullScreenBtnColor = .green appearance.brandLeftTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor:, NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .bold), NSAttributedString.Key.underlineColor:, NSAttributedString.Key.underlineStyle: 1] appearance.timeRangeTextColor = .blue appearance.sliderBufferTrackTintColor = .green appearance.sliderMaximumTrackTintColor = .red appearance.sliderMinimumTrackTintColor = .yellow appearance.bottonSliderBufferTrackTintColor = .green appearance.bottonSliderMaximumTrackTintColor = .red appearance.bottonSliderMinimumTrackTintColor = .yellow // set appearance playerView.appearance = appearance