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Video Highlights
Updated over a week ago

Video Highlights is unique video functionality that employs artificial intelligence which analyzes a video and then displays key sections of the transcript while the video is running in Highlights Mode. This functionality gives viewers the ability to view a short, succinct version of the video (or parts of it) while automatically skipping to the most important, 'highlight' scenes and simultaneously viewing the corresponding transcript highlights.


Video Highlight functionality requires proper setup on the video source level and by default, is available for videos longer than 30 minutes. Contact your AnyClip representative for information on setup and settings. An exception to this rule is AnyClip's manual highlights capability (see below).

Once set up was completed for a particular video source and once the video is analyzed by the AI engines, an email will be sent to the owner of the video informing him/her that highlights for the video are ready. The original analyzed and highlighted video will appear in the Videos tab of the platform. Authorized users (e.g. users who have video editing privileges) need to turn on the Highlight functionality by accessing the video's three-dot menu and selecting the Highlights toggle. The highlights will then be published.


Note that if a video's Highlight toggle is grayed out, it means the video has no highlights.

Editing Highlights

The Highlights menu item in the image above includes a small pencil icon. Clicking this icon allows a user to edit a video's highlights by adding or deleting the yellow markup indicating a particular section of the video should be highlighted.

To add or shorten highlighted sections: select the text in the transcript that should be highlighted or shortened and drag the blue dots till they include the desired text. To completely delete highlighted sections: click the red X marks to the left of the highlighted section.


Once the edits have been made, the user clicks Publish Highlights or Re-Publish Highlights depending on whether the highlights were already published.


Above the transcript text of the foregoing image, the duration (in minutes) of all of the video's highlights is presented. Additionally, there are forward and reverse arrows that allow the video editor to skip back and forth, from highlight to highlight while editing.

Similarly, as shown above, while playing back the video, the editor can turn on the Highlights toggle on the bottom progress bar and select individual yellow bar lines which represent individual video highlights to skip directly to these snippets.

End-user Highlights/Watch View

Once any required edits are saved and the highlights are published, they will be visible to end users in any Watch/Hub where this video is available. End users can turn on the Highlights Mode toggle to view only video and transcript highlights or toggle it off at any time to play back the video in full.


Manual Video Highlights

AnyClip users with proper privileges can create video highlights manually even when the source of these videos was not set up for Highlights functionality (for example, when a video was uploaded manually to a watch). Only videos owned by the user can be highlighted. Shared videos and videos owned by other users cannot be highlighted. To trigger manual video highlighting, follow the procedure outlined below:

  1. Search for the video you want to highlight manually by selecting the Videos icon on the main navigation bar. Once the video is found click the three-dot menu icon on the right-hand side of the video.

  2. Click Let's Go. The Highlights Edit screen will appear:

  3. Create Highlights as shown in the section above by clicking the video transcript text you want to highlight. It will turn yellow. Correct mistakes by clicking the red X on the left-hand side of the transcript. Once you're satisfied that all highlighted text areas are marked, click Publish Highlights. Now go to the relevant Watch, search for the video, click the Highlights tab, and you will see your the highlighted sections:



For Manual Highlights functionality to work, a video must conform to specific criteria which, depending on your AnyClip Platform setup, are often as follows:

1. The video language must be English or German

2. The speech-to-text provider is not Deepgram

3. The length of the video is at least 30 minutes and no more than 120 minutes.

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